Monday, February 11, 2008

Day 1- 'stache'tastic

It all started when my dear dear friend,my biffff, Casey gave me my mustaches. I don't remember where she found them but I don't think that matters. They are a simple set of gag mustaches, one for every day of the week. I plan to wear everyone, everyday, every minute for one week straight. I'm very proud of my mustaches. The first day was pretty interesting. I was expecting women to flock to me, men to respect me, and animals to obey me. To my great surprise my first mustache, "THE HERO"(pictured below), did nothing of the sort.But it was an interesting day living the glamorous life of the 'sached. This mustache in particular was said to be upside down by quite a few of my friends. I thought this exact thought when applying the 'stache. I put it on upside down, then right side up and every which way so I decided to go with the way the it was placed according to the package it was in. At first I couldn't really get used to it's awkwardness. Perhaps this is because it is my first 'stache of the week. As the day progressed I began to feel much more comfortable getting a few "nice 'stache" or "killer mustache" comments. It was beginning to grow on me...
There are pros and cons that come with the unholy power of the mustache. Firstly the hair keeps going up my nose. And it's cold today and every time my nose starts to run it runs right into the fluffy forest that is my mustache. Wiping my nose is a bother. So I don't. Food for instance gets in it, and water/soup gets in it. I had to once remove and clean my mustache because of a devastating inccident with a Cup-o-Noodles. One the good side though. I get a lot of attention from women, men, and more women. It also is very powerful when my friend Jordan attempted to touch my facial master piece "THE HERO" shocked him. A full lightning bolt as if from Zeus himself. The mustache has now become apart of me, protecting me when needed. It is a great conversation starter too. For example. A conversation I had today as I was walking with a friend...

"Hey nice mustache... you care to take a minute for the environment?"-GW Student
"Thanks, but no thanks, it's too cold"-Me
"Yeah, Screw the environment."-Nic

This guy approached us because I was rocking da 'stache. I know it. So, so far "The Hero" hasn't really lived up to it's name, but I am excited to see the future reactions of others. Note: at the end of the day the adhesive that keeps the mustache on my face gets warm gooey resulting in extreme mustache slidedge.

Thanks Casey for the mustaches.
Thanks Nic Persinger for the pictures. (
Thanks Mom and Dad for leaving me with mustacheless genes. Lame.

'stache of the day-

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