Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Day 2- mush_stash_es

Today was a new day. I was sporting the more sophisticated "SQUARE" today. I honestly like this one a lot more that yesterday's. This one is way more realistic. Funny story actually. I was in IHOP and our waiter see me and says...

"Oh nice hat! Seems like you'd be across the street tap dancin' or somethin'"-Waiter

He didn't even notice that it was a fake mustache. He thought it was real. Very nice. This mustache fuller, bigger, and just more realistic over all. Life was pretty normal overall today. With this mustache though people stepped out of my way a lot. It was nice. At the end of the day the adhesive is getting really smelly like hockey equipment. Nice and sour. And, since this 'stache is so big it was hard to smile and took up most of my upper lip so my upper lip movement was limited.

'stache of the day-

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